When you arrive at church check in your child(ren) at the New Life Kids table. Make sure to indicate any food allergies!
All the children at New Life start Sunday in worship with their parents. We provide special Children’s Booklets with crayons, which explain our worship in child friendly language and also include fun puzzles. Drawing, doodling, and whispering during worship is encouraged! Every month we pick a “Song of the Month” so our children can learn and memorize worship songs. Sit, stand, sing, pray, and whisper in your child’s ear during worship.
Right before the sermon we dismiss our children to Sunday School. Their Sunday School teachers will be waiting in the foyer to walk them to class. You are welcome to walk with your child to class or to stay in the auditorium to refill your coffee and greet people. You are also welcome to keep your children with you in worship.
After worship, Lower Elementary and Pre-School can be signed out in the cry room. Upper Elementary students will be brought back to worship for Communion. They will sign themselves out at the end of worship. If you prefer to sign out your Upper Elementary student yourself, please advise the teacher.
Toddlers: 2 & over
We provide children in our nursery with a time for singing, a lesson from the First Catechism, a story from the Jesus Storybook Bible, and play.
Kinder (Transitional Kindergarten through Kindergarten)
We use Great Commission Publications to teach our kids about how the Gospel changes their lives.
Lower Elementary (1st through 3rd Grade)
We use Great Commission Publications to teach our kids about how the Gospel changes their lives.
Upper Elementary (4th through 5th Grade)
We use Great Commissions Publications to teach our kids how the Gospel changes their lives..
Youth (6th through 12th Grade)
The youth stay for the entire worship service. Several times a month we have youth group meetings.
We provide a cry room for parents with children who are not ready to participate in Sunday School. The cry room can be found in the kitchen adjoined to the main auditorium. You can follow the service via audio broadcast here while your chidlren stretch their legs and lungs. If you need to change a diaper you can find changing tables in the Men’s and Women’s restrooms.